AIGA Bookshelf
Design Events & Associations
Type Society: Typography
Visual Identity Awards: Logo Design
Joseph Binder Award: Illus./GD/DesignFiction
Adobe Scholarship: Product/Digital Design
Hiiibrand Awards: Identity/Logo/Package Design
Creative Conscience Award: Graphic Design
SF Awards: Communication Design
iJungle Award: Illustration/Book Design
Japan Illustration Association Awards: Illustration
Key Colours Award: Illustrators of Children’s Books

Portfolio Design/ Examples and Website publishing
Portfolio by Adobe
Site 123
Behance by Adobe

Design Software and Publishing Sites
FireAlpaca: Free digital painting software
Krita: Free digital painting software
GIMP: Free digital painting software
Sketch: UI/UX Development software
Blurb: Book design and Publishing
Book Baby: Book Design and Publishing
ISUU: Digital Book Publishing
Photopea: Free photo editor

Please let us know if any information is outdated or incorrect here.
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